Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS and JavaScript - Code Examples

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Chapter 3: Images, Audio, and Video

Here are the examples for Chapter 3, which looks at images and objects.


ch03_eg01.htmlAdding an image using the <img> element
ch03_eg02.htmlThe height and width attributes
ch03_eg03.htmlThe align attribute
ch03_eg04.htmlThe hspace and vspace attributes
ch03_eg05.htmlThe longdesc attribute
Try it outAdding images to a document
ch03_eg06.htmlUsing images as links
ch03_eg07.htmlA client-side image map


ch03_eg08.htmlEmbedding a YouTube video (you may see a warning message when trying this example)
ch03_eg09.htmlAdding Flash to a page using the <object> and <embed> elements
ch03_eg10.htmlAdding Flash to a page using SWF Object


ch03_eg11.htmlAdding video to a page using Flash Video (and OS FLV player)


ch03_eg12.htmlAdding an MP3 to your page using the <object> element
ch03_eg13.htmlAdding an MP3 to your page using Flash and the <object> element
ch03_eg14.htmlAdding an MP3 to your page using Flash with SWF Object

