Orginal index lektion 3

MIME format = Multi Media Internet Mail Extension
GIF formatet finn i tre olika former:
Sammanflätade (Interlaced)
JPEG = Joint Pictures Experts Group
PNG = Icke förstörande komprimering
Finns i 3 olika bitdjuup: 8, 24 och 32 bitar.
Här kan man lägga en särskild alfa kanal - 8 bitar eller 256 olika nivåer av transparens
img src attributet tar longdesc, height, width, usemap, imap, border, hspace, vspace.
Attributet alt longdesc ="http://url" ger adressen till en textfil med info om bilden (för ex v synskade.)


Bild med olika höjd och bredd
Bilden till höger, vänster eller centrerad om texten
H Space V Space
Bilden som länk
Creating an Image Map
Embedding a YouTube Video
Adding a flash movie with the <object> element
Adding a flash movie with SWF Object Java script
OS FLV Player
Adding an MP3 without specifying player
Flash MP3 Player Using <object> element
Adding an MP3 player using Flash som kod

Visa en bild: Wrox logo

KOD: <img src="images/wrox_logo.gif" alt="Wrox logo" width="338" height ="79" />

Här kan man ange width och height. alt atributet talar om vad det är för något om man för mus pekaren över bilden.
Om sidan inte hittar bilden blir det en fyrkant i stället med texten man skrev in.

Fixed size: width 130 height 130

Photo of red apple

Enlarged: width 160 (no height specified)

Photo of red apple

Stretched: width 80 height 150

Photo of red apple

Levis: width 300 height 300

Photo of red apple Till menyn

No Align

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut risus tellus, hendrerit id, sagittis sed, lobortis eget, augue.
Red Hat Linux Programming Book Cover Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a metus et sem tempus mollis. Phasellus vel ante non ligula posuere ultrices ut ac metus. Cras quam odio, bibendum ac dignissim pulvinar, sodales eget justo. Ut eget neque est, in tempor tellus. Fusce ut risus nulla. Pellentesque tempus metus sit amet magna tempor condimentum. Quisque dapibus facilisis gravida. Suspendisse vehicula mauris id nulla convallis congue. Nulla tempor venenatis congue. Nullam nulla nisl, sollicitudin sed eleifend a, tempus vitae eros.

Align Left

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut risus tellus, hendrerit id, sagittis sed, lobortis eget, augue.
Red Hat Linux Programming Book Cover Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a metus et sem tempus mollis. Phasellus vel ante non ligula posuere ultrices ut ac metus. Cras quam odio, bibendum ac dignissim pulvinar, sodales eget justo. Ut eget neque est, in tempor tellus. Fusce ut risus nulla. Pellentesque tempus metus sit amet magna tempor condimentum. Quisque dapibus facilisis gravida. Suspendisse vehicula mauris id nulla convallis congue. Nulla tempor venenatis congue. Nullam nulla nisl, sollicitudin sed eleifend a, tempus vitae eros.

Align Right

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut risus tellus, hendrerit id, sagittis sed, lobortis eget, augue.
Red Hat Linux Programming Book Cover Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a metus et sem tempus mollis. Phasellus vel ante non ligula posuere ultrices ut ac metus. Cras quam odio, bibendum ac dignissim pulvinar, sodales eget justo. Ut eget neque est, in tempor tellus. Fusce ut risus nulla. Pellentesque tempus metus sit amet magna tempor condimentum. Quisque dapibus facilisis gravida. Suspendisse vehicula mauris id nulla convallis congue. Nulla tempor venenatis congue. Nullam nulla nisl, sollicitudin sed eleifend a, tempus vitae eros.
KODEN: < img src="images/css.jpg" alt="Red Hat Linux Programming Book Cover" width="50" height="66" align="right" />

Till menyn

hspace and vspace

Red Hat Linux Programming Book Cover Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a metus et sem tempus mollis. Phasellus vel ante non ligula posuere ultrices ut ac metus. Cras quam odio, bibendum ac dignissim pulvinar, sodales eget justo. Ut eget neque est, in tempor tellus. Fusce ut risus nulla. Pellentesque tempus metus sit amet magna tempor condimentum. Quisque dapibus facilisis gravida. Suspendisse vehicula mauris id nulla convallis congue. Nulla tempor venenatis congue. Nullam nulla nisl, sollicitudin sed eleifend a, tempus vitae eros.
Till menyn

Cheese Sales

Beskrivning On this part of the page might be some text that relates to the cheese chart above, but does not actually give you the figures that are in the graphic.
This can pose a problem because, while a screen reader might be able to read the text to someone who cannot see this web page, the screen reader cannot read the graph.


The graph depicts how many boxes of cheese (each containing 100 portions) were sold by the cheese wholesaler.
Monday: 400 portions
Tuesday: 600 portions
Wednesday: 400 portions
Thursday: 800 portions
Friday: 800 portions
Till menyn

Bilden som en länk

Wrox logo Till menyn

Creating an Image Map

Cafe Map Cafe Courtyard Kitchens

Till menyn

Embedding a YouTube Video


Till menyn

Adding a flash movie with the <object> element

Till menyn

Adding a flash movie with SWF Object Java script

This element can contain content that search engines can index, and which is helpful to those who do not have Flash installed.

Till menyn

OS FLV Player

The content of this element would be shown if the user does not have Flash installed. It should therefore be an image and short description of what the video is about.

Till menyn

Adding an MP3 without specifying player

Till menyn

Flash MP3 Player Using <object> element

Till menyn